个人简介 :
1983年毕业于西安交通大学电机系,获学士学位;1991年西安交通大学硕士研究生毕业,获工学硕士学位;1996年西安交通大学博士研究生毕业,获博士学位;1999年天津大学电工博士后流动站博士后出站并被引进清华大学电机系任教至今。1998年任副教授,2004年晋升教授,2005年任博士生导师。IET Fellow, IEEE Senior Member, 中国电工技术学会理事,中国电机工程学会高级会员,兼职国立台北科技大学首席国际教授。先后主持国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目、重点项目、面上项目、国际合作项目6项,主持科技部国际合作项目1项,大型国际合作项目(清华大学ALSTOM联合研究中心)1项。主要学术贡献是:最早把小波变换应用于电力系统故障分析和故障行波研究,发明了现代行波测距技术、现代行波保护技术、行波选线技术并研制出国内外首例暂态行波保护测试仪;提出并实现了面向电力系统安全的站域集成保护技术;与ALSTOM公司合作提出并实现了电力线路无通道保护技术和高阻接地故障检测技术等。围绕上述研究,发表SCI/EI论文297篇,撰写学术著作2部、翻译学术著作4部,获授权国际专利12项、国家发明专利38项;获日内瓦国际发明展金奖1项、国家技术发明奖二等奖1项、中国电力技术发明奖一等奖1项,其它省部级奖一、二等奖5项。担任中国电机工程学会、中国电工技术学会、中国水力发电工程学会、国家标准化委员会、国家电网公司等多个专委会的委员,担任中国科学出版社《浩博体育》、《浩博体育官方网站》杂志、PAC World等多个国内外丛书、期刊的编委和特约主编,主办2015 IEEE APAP大型国际会议1次、中韩继电保护论坛11次,与跨国公司ALSTOM成立并成功运行联合研究中心12年,申报并获批北京市绿色能源与电力安全国际技术合作基地。
研究方向 :
科研成果 :
1)Xinzhou Dong; Lei Ding; Kun Liu; Shenxing Shi. Smart system protection based on local information. IET Conference Publications, 10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, DPSP 2010 - Managing the Change, v2010.
2)Xinzhou Dong,Runbin Cao,Liu Cui,Bin Wang,Shenxing Shi,Dominik Bak,Kirby Brian,Xia Yang. Integrated Backup Protection Scheme in Modern Power System. APAP 2013
3)Bin Wang; Xinzhou Dong; Lan Lan; Fei Xu. Novel location algorithm for single-line-to-ground faults in transmission line with distributed parameters.Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET,2013,6(7):560-566
4)Bin Wang; Xinzhou Dong; Zhiqian Bo; Klimek, A.Negative-Sequence Pilot Protection With Applications in Open-Phase Transmission Lines. Power Delivery, IEEE Power & Energy Society, IEEE Transactions onhttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=61Jun.2010,25(3): 1306 - 1313
5)ShiShenxing,DongXinzhou,A Self-healing Scheme of Single-phase-to-ground Fault in Smart Power Distribution System,Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering, Jan 2012, 2(1): 14-19
6)Tao Cui; Xinzhou Dong; Zhiqian Bo; Juszczyk, A. Hilbert-Transform-Based Transient/Intermittent Earth Fault Detection in Noneffectively Grounded Distribution Systems.IEEE Power & Energy SocietyPower Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Jan. 2011,26(1):143 - 151
7)Lei Ding; Xinzhou Dong; Zhiqian Bo. Performance analysis of phase distance relay on series compensated UHV lines. IET Conference Publications, 10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, DPSP 2010 - Managing the Change, v2010.
8)Kun Liu ; Xinzhou Dong ; Zhiqian Bo. Study of backup power supply adaptive to Distribution Line Non-Communication Protection. IET Conference Publications, 10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, DPSP 2010 - Managing the Change, v2010.
9)Shenxing Shi, Bo Jiang, Xinzhou Dong, Zhiqian Bo. Protection of Microgrid. IET Conference Publications, 10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, DPSP 2010 - Managing the Change, v2010, n 558 CP.EI:20103613218528
10)Shiyong Wang; Xinzhou Dong; Shenxing Shi. A novel busbar protection scheme based on wavelet multi-resolution signal decomposition. IET Conference Publications, 10th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, DPSP 2010 - Managing the Change, v2010.
11)Jiang, Bo; Shi, Shenxing; Dong, Xinzhou; Wang, Bin. Single phase grounding fault location based on frequency domain characteristics of fault current. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v3, p 2405-2409. EI:20122015015882
12)Shi, Shenxing; Wang, Jun; Li, Aiming; Du, Xinchun; Cao, Xiaoxia; Du, Yajun; DongXinzhou. Traveling waves based faulted feeder selector and its field application. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 1701-1704. EI:20122015015767
13)Sun Tong ; Wang Bin ; Dong Xinzhou; Zhang ShuJian. Designation and development of hardware platform for intelligent terminal in 126kV Smart substation. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2325 - 2330
14)Yang Yuelin;Wang Bin ; Wen BoYing ; Dong XinzhouDemand analysis of the information sharing among multi-bays through the process networks in intelligent distribution substation.APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3,p 2348 - 2353
15)Cao RunBin, Dong Xinzhou, Wang Bin, Liu Kun. Discussion of Protection and Cascading Outages from the Viewpoint of Communication. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
16)Chen Dan ; Chen Xingying ; Liu Jian ; Dong Xinzhou ; Liao YingchenService restoration study of distribution system with distributed generators based on particle swarm optimization. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 1176 - 1181
17)Huang Tian-xiao, Dong Xin-zhou, Shi Shen-xing, Wang Bin Applicable range analysis of optimized single-terminal fault location algorithm. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
18)Jiang Zhongshan ; Liu Yanping ; Wang Bin ; Dong Xinzhou. Research on pilot protection applied in aircraft annular power distribution system. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3,p 2320 - 2324
19)Lan, Lan; Shi, Shenxing; Dong, Xinzhou; Wang, Bin; Zhang, Ming; Wang, Yonghuan. Practicability study of transmission line fault location based on the gap of traveling wave propagation time. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2286-2292. EI:20122015015861
20)Li Jing, Wang Bin,Dong XinZhou, Lin XiangNing, Zhang ZhenYang Xu Fei. The Feasibility Study of Advanced Function of Merging Unit in Intelligent Distribution Substation. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
21)Liu Kun, Dong Xinzhou, Wang Bin, Shi Shenxing. Flow Transferring Identification Based on Local Information. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
22)Liu Kun;Dong Xinzhou; Wang Bin; Shi Shenxing. Research on the process of power flow transferring and its identification method. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2354 - 2360
23)Ren, Li; Shi, ShenXing; Wang, ShiYong; Luo, ShuXin; Dong XinZhou. Study on travelling-wave protection starting element. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2386-2390. EI:20122015015878
24)Shenxing Shi, XinzhouDong. A novel fault locator for power distribution system with neutral non-effectively grounded. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 2, p 1477-1480. EI:20121915009916
25)Shenxing Shi, XinzhouDong, ShiyongWang. Traveling waves based protection relaying of power lines. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2467-2471. EI:20122015015776
26)Wang Bin, Dong Xinzhou, Liu Kun, Cao Runbin. Research on system protection with local information to prevent power grid blackouts. IEEEInternational Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
27)Wang, Jun ; Shi, Shenxing; DongXinzhou; Wang, Bin. Analyses on frequency transmission characteristic of traveling wave in distribution power system. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2391-2396.EI:20122015015879
28)Shiyong Wang,Xinzhou Dong. A novelscheme for identification of lightning strole and fault in EHV transmission lines. IEEEInternational Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
29)Wu, TingTing; Shi, ShenXing; Wang, Bin; Zhou, YunHai; DongXinZhou; Liu, Kun; Yang, YueLin. Communication test and analysis of integrated protection system in digital substation. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2336-2340. EI:20122015015869
30)Xu Fei, Wang Bin,Dong Xinzhou, Cao Runbin, Liu Kun, Yang Yuelin, Wu Tingting. Research of Protection Communication System in Process Level of Intelligent Substation. IEEEInternational Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
31)Yin Diqing ; Liu Kun ; Dong Xinzhou ; Shi Shenxing. Distribution line automation system based on non-communication protection in the case of symmetrical fault. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3,p659 - 662
32)Zhang JunFang ; Yao Qiang ; Sun Rui ; Qin HongXia ; Dong Xinzhou. The harmonic load flow calculation of distribution network with distributed power. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2088 - 2092
33)Zhang JunFang ; Lu Xiaofeng ; Lu Jun ; Kang Qi ; Dong Xinzhou. Study of the New Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Motor. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 1684 - 1687
34)Zhang ZhenYang ; Wang Bin ; Jin Enshu ; Dong Xinzhou. The design of the merging unit of real-time and synchronicity based on EP1C3T144 chip. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p 2341 - 2345
35)Zhou Suwen ; Chen Xingying ; Liu Jian ; Dong Xinzhou ; Liao Yingchen. Distribution Network Reconfiguration Considering the Random Character of Wind Power Generation. APAP 2011 - Proceedings: 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, v 3, p1195 - 1200
36)Hu Xi, Dong Xinzhou, Wang Bin, Shi Shenxing,Liu Kun, LI Youyi. Implementation of non-communication protection of double circuit line systems based on integrated protection platform. IEEEInternational Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2011), Beijing, China, Oct. 16-20, 2011.
37)Bak, D.J. ; DongX.Z. ; Wang, B. ; Shin, S.X. ; Rebizant, W.New method of detection of current transformer saturation. IET Conference on Developments in Power System Protection 2012, 23-26 April, Birmingham / UK.
38)DongXinzhou; Shi, Shenxing; Wang, Bin; Bak, Dominik; Cao, Runbin; Ren, Li; Lan, Lan; He, Shi'en,The offline accident of the large-scale wind generator system and its protection & control scheme, IET Conference Publications, v 2012, n 593 CP, 2012, 11th IET International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection, DPSP 2012,EI:20122915249202
39)Shenxing Shi, XinzhouDong,Prevention and protection of single-phase-to-ground fault in power distribution system with neutral non-effectively grounded,IET Conference Publications, v 2012, n 593 CP, 2012, 11th IET International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection, DPSP 2012,EI:20122915249138
40)Bin Wang, Xinzhou Dong, Zhiqian Bo. Equivalent capacity of the lower voltage ride through for wind farm overcurrent protection in power collection lines. IET Conference on Developments in Power System Protection 2012, 23-26 April, Birmingham / UK.
41)Li Ren, Xinzhou Dong, Shenxing Shi, Bin Wang, Dominik Bak, Equivalent analysis method of transient fault travelling-wave process,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P132
42)Dominik Bak,Xinzhou Dong,Waldemar Rebizant,B. Kirby,X. Yang. Estimating Parameters of Fundamental component of Secondary Current distorted by CT Saturation. APAP 2013
43)Liu Cui, Xinzhou Dong, Shenxing Shi, Bin Wang, Jian Liu, The analysis of multiphase compensated distance relay-phase to phase fault in power swing,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P141
44)Bo Jiang, Xinzhou Dong, Shenxing Shi, Bin Wang, Jianzhao Geng, Brian Kirby, Xia Yang, Performance study of the traveling waves based fault line selection method under special cases in non-effectively grounded networks with insufficient current transformers,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P142
45)Lan Lan, Xinzhou Dong, Shenxing Shi, Bin Wang, Jian Liu, Taiyi Zheng, The short-circuit fault location in smart distribution grid,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P146
46)Jun Wang, Xinzhou Dong, Shenxing Shi, Brian Kirby, Xia Yang, Jian Liu, Traveling wave based single-phase-to-ground arc fault protection for distribution power system,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P175
47)Shuxin Luo, XinzhouDong,Xinzhou Dong, Brian Kirby, Xia Yang, A Prevention Method of Sympathetic Trippingin Distribution System,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P181
48)Shenxing Shi, Wei Jiang, Chunxiao Mei, XinzhouDong, Jian Liu, Taiyi Zheng, Feeder protection and its development in wind farms, APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P191
49)Runbin Cao,Xinzhou Dong,Bin Wang,Shenxing Shi,Dominik Bak,Brian Kirby,Xia Yang. Simulation and Assessment of Backup Protection based on Monte Carlo Method. APAP 2013
50)Jianzhao Geng,Bin Wang,Xinzhou Dong,Jian Liu, Taiyi Zheng. High-Impedance Fault Modeling based on Solid Dielectric Electrical Break-down Theory. APAP 2013
51)Bin Wang,Xinzhou Dong,Jianzhao Geng,Jian Liu,Taiyi Zheng. IEC61850 Based Data Sharing in Process bus for Protection and Control System Applications in Smart Distribution Substation. APAP 2013
52)Tianying Xiao, Shenxing Shi, XinzhouDong, Dong Shen, Jian Liu, Taiyi Zheng, Adaptive fault self-healing scheme in power distribution system with neutral non-effectively grounded,APAP 2013 - Proceedings: 2013International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, P237
53)BAK Dominik, DONG XinZhou, LIU Jian, LIU Chun. Estimating Parameters of Fundamental component of CT Saturated Secondary Current. Aug.14-20, 2013 China-Korea Relay Protection Forum, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China.
54)Xinzhou Dong, Li Ren, Shenxing Shi, Bin Wang, Bak Dominic, Feng Liu, Yandeng Xue, Baihuang Xie, Yancang Zhang, Jianbo Lan, Jian Liu, Taiyi Zheng. Traveling-waves Based Protection and its application in 750kV transmission lines. Aug.14-20, 2013 China-Korea Relay Protection Forum, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China.
55)JIANG Bo, DONG Xinzhou, SHI Shenxing, WANG Bin, LIU Jian, WANG Weisheng. SLG Fault Location Based on Frequency Domain Characteristics. Aug.14-20, 2013 China-Korea Relay Protection Forum, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China.
56)Ren Li, Dong Xinzhou, Shi Shenxing, Wang Bin, Dominik Bak, Liu Jian, Zheng Tai yi. Equivalent Analysis Method of Transient Fault Travelling-wave Process. Aug.14-20, 2013 China-Korea Relay Protection Forum, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China.
57)Bin Wang, Jianzhao Geng, Xinzhou Dong, Jian Liu, Taiyi Zheng. High Impedance Fault Detection in Effectively Grounded Distribution Systems. Aug.14-20, 2013 China-Korea Relay Protection Forum, Urumchi, Xinjiang, China.
58)T.X. Huang, Bin Wang, Bo Jiang, X.Z. Dong. A Novel Control Scheme of Photovoltaic Power Plant in Islanding Operation, The Conference of the Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI), Taipei, TaiWanOct.24-28, 2010.
59)Bin Wang, Xinzhou Dong, et al. Bad Data Identification for Voltage Sag State Estimation in Distribution System with Wind Farm Connections. 46th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC),Soest, Germany,5-8 September 2011.
60)Bin Wang, Jianzhao Geng, Xinzhou Dong and Bak Dominik. High Impedance Fault Detection in Effectively Grounded Distribution Systems, PAC World Conference, 2013.6.24-27.
61)Bin Wang, Zheng Ge, Xinzhou Dong, Enshu Jin, Zhiqian Bo. Performance of process bus communication of transient traveling waves data in smart substation.2010 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution, Nanjing China, Sept. 12-16 2010.
62)Bin Wang, Tianxiao Huang, Xinzhou Dong, Bo Jiang, Z Q Bo. Dynamic Emergency Control in Digital Distribution Substation with MW PV Power. The 5th international CRIS conference on critical infrastructures, Beijing China, Sep.20-22, 2010.
63)Bin Wang, Xinzhou Dong, et al.Voltage Sags Mitigation with Feeder Fast-tripping overcurrent Protection. The Fourth International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT) 2011, Weihai, Shandong,China, 6-9 July, 2011.
64)Bin Wang, Xinzhou Dong, et al.Voltage Sags Characteristics at Distribution Busbarwith Wind Generators Connections. PAC World Conference 2011, Dublin, Ireland. 27-30 June 2011.
65)Bin Wang, T.X. Huang, Bo Jiang, X.Z. Dong, Z.Q. Bo. Dynamic modeling and transient fault analysis of feeder in distribution system with MW PV Substation, UPEC-University's Power Engineering Conference, Cardiff, UKAug. 31-Sep. 3, 2010.
66)ShuxinLuo,Xinzhou Dong,Shenxing Shi,Bin Wang,A novel phase selection method based on instantaneous reactive power,Proceedings of 12th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31-April 3,2014
67)Jiang Bo; Dong Xinzhou; Shi Shenxing; Bin Wang; Bak, D,The bandwidth of instrument current transformer for fault detection in distribution networks,Proceedings of 12th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31-April 3,2014
68)Shenxing Shi ; Xinzhou Dong,Traveling waves based fault forecast for feeders in power distribution system ,Proceedings of 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting , National Harbor, MD, July27-31,2014
69)Li Ren ; Xinzhou Dong ; Shenxing Shi ; Bin Wang,A novel energy ratio direction relay based on equivalent traveling wave process,Proceedings of 12th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31-April 3,2014
70)FeiXu; Xinzhou Dong,A novel single-ended traveling wave fault location method based on reflected wave-head of adjacent bus,Proceedings of12th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31-April 3,2014
71)Ni Jiang ; Wang Bin ; Dong Xinzhou,Travelling wave sampling data sharing solution in distribution substation based on IEC61850,Proceedings of 12th IET International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP 2014), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31-April 3,2014
72)Xinzhou Dong; Runbin Cao; Liu Cui; Bin Wang; Shenxing Shi; Bak, D.; Shien He,Integrated backup protection scheme in smart grids,Proceedings of 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting , National Harbor, MD, July27-31,2014
1)薄志谦,张保会,董新洲,和敬涵,林湘宁,曾祥君,李斌. 保护智能化的发展与智能继电器网络[J]. 电力系统保护与控制,2013,02:1-12.
2)王世勇,董新洲,施慎行,不同频带下电压故障行波极性的一致性分析,电力系统自动化,2011,35(20):68-73 (EI SA,INSPEC)
3)何世恩, 董新洲. 大规模风电机组脱网原因分析及对策[J]. 电力系统保护与控制,2012,01:131-137+144.
4)刘琨, 董新洲. 单端电气量组合故障测距方法的适用性分析[J]. 广东电力,2
5)李旭洋, 董新洲,薄志谦. 电力变压器铁磁谐振检测方法研究[J]. 电力系统保护与控制,2011,09:102-107.
6)王宾,董新洲,张道农. 电力系统戴维南等值分析应用及DG灵活接入后的影响[J]. 华北电力技术,2012,12:29-34.
9)王宾,董新洲. 风电场电流保护动作特性等价低电压穿越容量性能分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2011,24:23-27.
10)施慎行,任立,刘泽宇,董新洲. 符合IEC61850标准的行波电流选线装置研制. 电力自动化设备, 2011(03),v31,pp.131-134.
12)王宾,董新洲,潘贞存,薄志谦. 含风电接入配电系统电压跌落传播特性分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2011,10:53-58.
14)刘琨,董新洲. 基于本地信息预防连锁跳闸的快速控制策略生成方法[J]. 广东电力,2013,03:19-25+36.
15)刘琨,董新洲. 基于方向行波的电力线路保护与检测技术[J]. 广东电力,2012,10:22-27+32.
16)施慎行,许刚,董新洲,殷迪清,刘琨,王恺,基于无通道保护的配电线路自动化系统现场应用方案. 电工电能新技术, 2013(01),v32,pp.94-97+103.
19)任立,董新洲,施慎行,王宾,Dominik Bak,极化电流行波方向继电器在带并联电抗器输电线上的特性,电力系统自动化,2013:37(21):169-175
21)刘健,董新洲,陈星莺,张小庆,张志华. 配电网容错故障处理关键技术研究[J]. 电网技术,2012,01:253-257
24)刘琨,董新洲,薄志谦. 适用于配电线路无通道保护的备用电源自动投入装置[J]. 电力自动化设备,2013,06:147-151+162.
26)刘琨,董新洲,李幼仪. 双回线无通道集成保护的实现方案[J]. 南方电网技术,2012,04:11-16
27)董新洲,曹润彬,王宾,施慎行,Dominik Bak,印度大停电与继电保护的三大功能,电力系统保护与控制,2013,41(2):19-25
28)王宾,戈政,董新洲,金恩淑,薄志谦. 智能配电变电站过程总线信息共享通信特性分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2011,18:62-66.
29)王宾,董新洲,许飞,曹润彬,刘琨,薄志谦. 智能配电变电站集成保护控制信息共享分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2011,S1:1-6.
30)朱声石;崔柳;董新洲.不受电力系统振荡影响的距离保护. 中国电机工程学报, v34,No.7,pp.1175-1182, 3.2014. 已标注
31)王宾,耿建昭,董新洲.基于介质击穿原理的配电线路高阻接地故障精确建模. 电力系统自动化, v38,No.12, pp.62-65+106, 6.2014.
32)王宾; 黄磊; 曹润彬; 董新洲; 康明才.智能变电站126kV智能终端设计与测试方案研究. 电力系统保护与控制, v42,No.1, pp.119-125, 1.2014.
33)王宾; 耿建昭; 董新洲.配网高阻接地故障伏安特性分析及检测. 中国电机工程学报, v34,No.22, pp.3815-3823, 8.2014.
34)姜博,董新洲,施慎行.基于单相电流行波的配电线路单相接地故障选线方法. 中国电机工程学报, v34,No.34, pp.6216-6227, 12.2014.
35)崔柳; 董新洲.具有抗过渡电阻能力的多相补偿距离继电器. 中国电机工程学报, v34,No.19, pp.3220-3225, 7.2014.
36)罗澍忻,董新洲,施慎行,王世勇.极化电流行波方向继电器在串补线路中的应用. 电力系统自动化, v38,No.15, pp.100-105+111, 8.2014.
37)曹润彬,董新洲,王宾,施慎行,BAK Dominik1,何世恩,孙辰军,数字化集成保护控制系统的实现方案,电力自动化设备,v34,No. 5, pp.149-155, 5.2014.
38)董新洲,曹润彬,崔柳,王宾,施慎行,DominikBak,Brian Kirby,杨霞.现代电力系统集成后备保护方案. 电力系统保护与控制, v42,No.5, pp.21-25, 3.2014.
39)许飞,董新洲,王宾,施慎行,新型输电线路单端电气量组合故障测距方法及其试验研究,电力自动化设备,v34,No. 4, pp.37-42, 4.2014.
40)王宾; 倪江; 董新洲,智能变电站行波选线技术应用通信方案分析,电工电能新技术,v33,No.10, pp.1-5+22, 10.2014.
42)王宾、董新洲. 电力系统戴维南等值分析应用及DG灵活接入后的影响. 京津冀晋蒙鲁电机工程 学会第22届学术会议,山西长治. 2012.10.17-10.19
1)董新洲,郭效军,葛耀中,贺家李,输电线路数字式行波保护方法及其继电器与保护系统,ZL01143449. X,2002.7.3,146578,清华大学,国电南自
2)董新洲,施慎行,王世勇,崔柳,王珺,王飞,姜博,高压输电线路超高速行波方向纵联保护方法、装置和系统 ,ZL201110047582. 5,2014.05.14,1401229,清华大学
3)董新洲,王世勇,施慎行,王宾,输电线路故障方向元件,ZL200910238232. X,2010.5.19,871921,清华大学
4)李建华,董良斌,董新洲,施慎行,用于输出宽频带大电流的功率放大器,ZL200910243134. 5,2010.7.14,1055311,北京衡天北斗,清华大学
5)董新洲,小电流接地系统故障选线方法和装置,ZL01118471. X,2002.2.13,161316,清华大学
6)Xinzhou Dong, Xuyang Li, Zhiqian Bo, Ray Chatfield, Andrzej Klimek,Method and system for online Ferro resonance detection,欧洲EP2577827,2014.11.5,AlstomTechnology Ltd,Tsinghua University
7)Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection and direction determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system,欧洲EP2417467,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd, Tsinghua University.
8)Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection and direction determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system,欧洲EP2417467,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd, Tsinghua University.
9)董新洲,施慎行,王世勇,崔柳,王珺,王飞,姜博,高压输电线路超高速行波方向纵联保护方法、装置和系统,ZL201110047582. 5,2014.05.141401229,清华大学
10)董新洲,王世勇,施慎行,王宾,输电线路故障方向元件,ZL200910238232. X,2010.5.19,871921,清华大学
12)李建华,董良斌,董新洲,施慎行,用于输出宽频带大电流的功率放大器,ZL200910243134. 5,2010.7.14,1055311,北京衡天北斗,清华大学
13)董新洲,王世勇,施慎行,高速数据采集与数字信号处理装置,ZL201110070210. 4,2011.8.17,1130939,清华大学
14)王宾,董新洲,非全相运行方式下的输电线路负序方向纵联保护方法,ZL200810225743. 3,2009.4.8, 839998,清华大学
16)王宾,董新洲,施慎行,一种面向变电站内单间隔的单端故障录波测距置,ZL200910244485. 8,2010.8.11,886930,清华大学
17)董新洲,张宁, 薄志谦,数字式电流综合器,ZL200710065390. 0,2007.10.10,470893,清华大学,英国阿海珐输配电保护与控制公司
18)董新洲,施慎行,王宾,王世勇,输电线路故障方向检测方法,ZL200910238231. 5,2010.5.5 809544,清华大学
19)董新洲,小电流接地系统故障选线方法和装置,ZL01118471. X,2002.2.13,161316,清华大学Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for online Ferro resonance detection,EP2577827, 2014.11.5,Alstom Technology Ltd,Xuyang Li, Zhiqian Bo,Ray Chatfield,Andrzej Klimek, Tsinghua University
20)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for online Ferro resonance detection,UK2577827, 2014.11.5,Alstom Technology Ltd,Xuyang Li,Zhiqian Bo,Ray Chatfield,Andrzej Klimek, Tsinghua University
21)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for online Ferro resonance detection,GE2577827,2014.11.5,Alstom Technology Ltd,Xuyang Li,Zhiqian Bo,Ray Chatfield,Andrzej Klimek, TsinghuaUniversity
22)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for online Ferro resonance detection,FR2577827, 2014.11.5,Alstom Technology Ltd,Xuyang Li, Zhiqian Bo,Ray Chatfield,Andrzej Klimek, Tsinghua University
23)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for online Ferro resonance detection,UK2577827, 2014.11.5,Alstom Technology Ltd,Xuyang Li,Zhiqian Bo,Ray Chatfield,Andrzej Klimek, Tsinghua University
24)施慎行,董新洲,单相接地故障自愈装置和系统,ZL201110051967. 9,2013.09.25,1279213,清华大学
25)施慎行,董新洲,单相接地故障自愈方法,ZL201110051968. 3,2014.04.16,1384480,清华大学
26)施慎行,董新洲,单相接地故障诊断方法和装置,ZL201010244589. 1,2011.1.12,1068031,清华大学
27)施慎行,董新洲,单相接地测距方法和测距装置,ZL201010244606. 1,2011.1.12,939767,清华大学
29)董新洲,王宾,曹润彬,许飞,一种智能变电站集成保护的快速起动及相量计算方法, ZL201210237750. 1,2014.10.22,1502227,清华大学
30)王宾,董新洲,一种降低风电场低电压穿越容量需求的集成保护方法,ZL201110347316. 42013.10.23,1290072,清华大学
31)施慎行,董新洲,基于行波电气量量测的电力电缆在线绝缘监测方法,ZL200910081348. 72009.9.16,728322,清华大学
32)施慎行,董新洲,基于行波电气量量测的电力系统故障预警方法,ZL200910081349. 1,2009.9.16753807,清华大学
33)董新洲,施慎行,崔韬,基于暂态行波的高阻接地故障检测方法,ZL200710303724. 3,2008.5.28672553,清华大学
34)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection and direction determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system, EP2417467,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd,Tsinghua University,Tao Cui,Zhiqian Bo, Andrzej Klimek,Andrzej Juszczyk
35)董新洲,王珺,施慎行,配电线路单相接地行波保护装置,ZL201210253747. 9,2014.10.221501851,清华大学
37)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection anddirection determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system,UK2417467,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd,Tsinghua University,Tao Cui,Zhiqian Bo,Andrzej Klimek,Andrzej Juszczyk
38)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection anddirection determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system,GE2417467,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd,Tsinghua University,Tao Cu,Zhiqian Bo,Andrzej Klimek,Andrzej Juszczyk
39)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection anddirection determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system,FR2417461,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd,Tsinghua University,Tao Cui,Zhiqian Bo,Andrzej Klimek,Andrzej Juszczyk
40)Xinzhou Dong,Method and system for transient and intermittent earth fault detection anddirection determination in a three-phase median voltage electric power distribution system,SW2417467B1,2013.3.20,Alstom Technology Ltd,Tsinghua University,Tao Cui,Zhiqian Bo,Andrzej Klimek,Andrzej Juszczyk
41)董新洲,王宾,一种基于负序电抗继电器的单相接地故障继电保护方法,ZL200710100216. 5,2008.1.16,580291,清华大学
42)董新洲,王宾,抗分布电容电流和过渡电阻影响的线路单端故障测距方法,ZL200710100215. 52007.11.7,537089,清华大学
43)董新洲,施慎行,王珺,单相接地继电保护方法,ZL201010565305. 9,2014.09.2,1487470,清华大学
44)王宾,耿建昭,董新洲,基于零序电流波形畸变凹凸性的高阻接地故障检测方法,ZL201210425453. X, 2014.08.20,1464356,清华大学
45)王宾,耿建昭,董新洲,基于零序电流过零点间断判别的高阻接地故障检测方法,ZL201210425483. 0, 2014.10.22,1501404,清华大学
46)董新洲,王宾,薄志谦,抗分布电容电流影响的线路单相接地故障的继电保护方法,ZL200610144275.8, 2007.7.11,449862,清华大学,英国阿海珐输配电保护与控制公司
47)董新洲,薄志谦,配电网继电保护与故障定位系统,ZL01130657. 2,2002.2.6,172393,清华大学,英国阿尔斯通输配电保护与控制公司
48)董新洲,王珺,施慎行,配电线路单相接地行波保护方法,ZL201210252585. 7,2014.10.9,清华大学
49)Xinzhou Dong,Xuyang,METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ONLINE FERRORESONANCE DETECTION, US20130166493Al,2013.6.27,Alstom Technology Ltd,Tsinghua University,Li,Zhiqian Bo, Ray Chat,AndrzeJ Khmek,Surrey
在研项目 :
2016.07~2021.06, 国家重点研发计划,“大型交直流混联电网运行控制和保护”(2016YFB0900600)
2012.01~2016.12, 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目,“基于本地信息的系统保护”,51120175001
2010.01~2013.12, 国家自然科学基金重点项目,“故障行波理论及其在电力系统故障检测中的应用”(50937003)
2004.02~2006.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“数字式行波保护原理及其关键实现技术研究”,50377019
2001.01~2003.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于单端故障信息的输电线路全线速动保护研究”,50077011
主要论著 :
1)贺家李、李永丽、董新洲等. 电力系统继电保护原理, 中国电力出版社, 2011.3
6)王宾、董新洲译,高效可再生分布式发电系统, 中国机械工业出版社. 2010.1
1983.08~1988.07 陕西工学院电气与电子工程系电气技术教研室助教;
1991.08~1994.01 陕西工学院电气与电子工程系电气技术教研室讲师、副主任;
1997.01~1999.01 天津大学电工博士后流动站博士后,98年10月晋升副教授;
1999.02~2004.11 清华大学电机系电力系统研究所副教授;
2004.12至今 清华大学电机系电力系统研究所教授;
2003.09至今 清华大学ALSTOM电网研究中心主任;
2005.09至今 清华大学电机系电力系统研究所博士生导师;
2014.03至今 北京市绿色能源与电力安全国际科技合作基地主任
Advanced Non-Communication Protection for Distribution Line, The 39th UPEC Prize for The Best Idea,2004,排名第一。